Author name: Tanya Womack

Tanya, both a nurturing stay-at-home mom and a skilled crafter, is the creative force behind our blog. As the co-founder of Romney Ridge Farms & Crafts, she's the editor and curator. She also runs the Romney Ridge Farms & Crafts social media accounts where we post new patterns for you to enjoy.

When Do Rhode Island Reds Start Laying? (And What To Do If They’re Not!)

When Do Rhode Island Reds Start Laying

This classic American breed came about in the late 19th century, and is an excellent dual-purpose breed, providing both meat and eggs. You can expect to harvest between 200 to 300 brown eggs per year from one, making them excellent layers, while also having rich-flavored meat should you choose to process them as well. This […]

When Do Rhode Island Reds Start Laying? (And What To Do If They’re Not!) Read More »

When Do Barred Rocks Start Laying (And What To Do If They Aren’t!)

When Do Barred Rocks Start Laying

The barred rock is a beautiful, heritage chicken breed that are not only excellent and reliable layers, but also a timeless classic in American history since the 1800’s. They’re excellent birds to start your backyard flock or homestead, and they even offer a great opportunity for meat production. But, when can you expect eggs from

When Do Barred Rocks Start Laying (And What To Do If They Aren’t!) Read More »