Brother NS1150e vs PE800

Wondering whether you should purchase the Brother NS1150e vs the Brother PE800? Here’s what you need to know!

For the most part, the NS1150e and PE800 are identical! There are a few very small differences, but nothing deal breaking. Here’s what you’ll be getting with the NS1150e vs the PE800.

17.	brother ns1150e vs pe800

Built-In Memory

The Brother PE800 has built-in memory while the NS1150e does not. This means that you can upload designs for later use to the PE800, but this is not a huge deal. You can still read designs off the USB and stitch them just fine with the NS1150e, you’ll just need to leave the USB inserted.

Automatic Thread Tension

The PE800 has an automatic thread tension setting which it resets to when you restart it. However, you still have to manually adjust the tension for each project. Though, the PE800 does allow you to save these settings for next time once you get them dialed in, while the NS1150e does not.

However, that seems to be about it. There’s not much else that is different between these two machines, except for the fact that the Brother NS1150e seems to have much better availability! Likely due to it not being as widely known.