Brother LB5000 vs SE600 – Machine Comparison

Wondering whether you should buy the Brother LB5000 vs SE600? Honestly, there’s not much that’s different about the LB5000 compared to the SE600. However, you will notice there is a slight price difference – so what gives??

brother lb5000 vs se600

The truth is, you’re paying for the branding. The LB5000 machine actually comes in two variations – the M and the S model. One of these is a Marvel branded machine and the other is a Star Wars branded machine.

Brother LB5000S vs LB5000M

Both machines come with their own face plates and they also come with some redemption codes for additional embroidery designs that you don’t get with the SE600.

lb5000s vs lb5000m
The LB5000 has an M and S variation – One is Marvel branded and the other is Star Wars

You’ll get 10 Marvel or Star Wars designs, and you’ll also get an additional 10 designs you can choose from the iBroidery design library selection for free.

However, everything else on these machines is the same! This includes the embroidery area, the machine’s speed, and even the included features.




So, should you buy the LB5000? If you’re really into Star Wars or Marvel, then I might consider one of them, but honestly, the included designs are not worth the additional money compared to the SE600, which is identical otherwise.